
The protection and privacy of your data is essential to us. Here we present our personal data processing policy.

1. Company identification data

The data controller is SCHNEIDER FREIGHT SERVICES SRL , registered office in Bulevardul I.C. Brătianu, nr.106, Constanta, Romania, postal code 900178, registered at the Trade Register under number: J13/1961/2020, unique registration code RO 42885730, telephone +40 736 149 016, correspondence address: registered office in Bulevardul I.C. Brătianu, nr.106, Constanta, Romania, postal code 900178, here and after referred to as the “Company”.


The Company wishes to inform you about the way in which it processes personal data in the context of the activity it carries out, as well as about the rights you have as a person concerned, starting from 25 May 2018 (the date of entry into force of the GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation).

Protecting the safety and security of your personal data is very important to us, therefore the activities we carry out are in compliance with the applicable legislation on data safety and data security protection. The purpose of this Personal Data Processing Policy is to set out the appropriate technical and organisational measures and responsibilities of the Company’s employees with personal data processing duties, for the fulfilment of obligations relating to the guarantee and protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons, in particular the right to private, family and intimate life, with regard to the processing of personal data.

By accessing our website, , all users agree to abide by the terms of use and legislation in effect.

In accordance with the legal provisions for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, the Company processes personal data, for legitimate purposes, for direct marketing communications and/or offers, for analysis, research, customer satisfaction measurement and feedback studies, for automated decision making and automated profiling, as well as for the performance of activities related to the provision of transport/shipping, storage and handling, pick&pack services.

The processing of personal data is carried out by mixed manual and automated means, in compliance with legal requirements and in conditions that ensure security, respect for the rights of the persons concerned and confidentiality.

The company ensures that it meets the minimum personal data security requirements and abides by the general rules of this Personal Data Processing Policy.


We process personal data that you provide to us, either directly or indirectly (e.g. through an agent or other person representing you in dealings with the Company), or that we generate or infer as a result of interacting with you through any of our communication channels with the Company. We may collect your personal data in the following situations:

  • When you or your company request a commercial offer from us or use any of our services.
  • When we send you a request for quotation, a request from a customer of the Company
  • When you contact us or we contact you by telephone, email, chat or other electronic means, or in writing, or when you provide us with other information, including in conversations with our employees
  • When you or your company browse, fill out a form or make a request or otherwise interact on our website or other online platforms
  • When you attend events organised by the Company
  • For recruitment and selection

We may also obtain and process your personal data including from external sources , such as:

  • Online platforms (social media and Internet) accessible to the public
  • Commercial partners, in particular service providers for the Company (e.g. companies that market databases or companies that provide access services to transport exchanges)
  • Individuals – for example if individuals recommend our services to you and send us your personal data

Refusal to provide the Company with your personal data may, in certain situations, make it impossible to enter into a relationship with the Company or to contract the desired service.


In the process of administering this website, the Company will collect and process certain information (“personal data”) about identified or potentially identifiable individuals, which is provided by users of this website directly or indirectly, such as:

  • Identity and contact details, including name, surname, gender, postal address, email address, telephone number, date of birth, personal number, ID card number and series, copy of ID card, signature, property owned, photographs and other personal data relating to your preferences relevant for our services;
  • Financial and payment data, including your account number, currency, bank where the account is opened and other data necessary for payment processing and fraud prevention;
  • Business information, including information provided in the course of the contractual relationship or voluntarily provided by you or your organisation;
  • Profile and usage data, including your preferences in receiving marketing information from us, your communication preferences and information about how you use our website;
  • Technical data, including information collected during your visits to our site, your IP (Internet Protocol) address, browser type and version, operating system, device type, time zone setting and other details about your visit to our site and the resources you access;
  • Data resulting from the audio recording of telephone conversations (content and metadata).


We process personal data for the following purposes: sales through orders placed by you to the Company (retrieval, confirmation, honoring, invoicing, cancellation and others), internal or market research, measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, other general business purposes, advertising, marketing and publicity, to carry out marketing communications in the form of newsletters, by email, SMS, telephone, online marketing platforms, also involving profiling customers / potential customers according to the interests expressed, maintaining the relationship with customers / potential customers by telephone and email (including but not limited to: service enquiries, complaints, general enquiries).

Research, analysis, customer satisfaction measurement studies and customer feedback.

We will process your personal data when you decide to participate in our market research, customer satisfaction analysis or when you provide us with your feedback on our services. Personal data will only be processed for the purposes mentioned above on the basis of your consent, also taking into account our legitimate interest to help us understand your needs regarding our services. Your participation in such surveys is voluntary, and it is your choice whether or not to provide us with personal data by filling in the participation forms on our website or other similar forms provided by email as part of such surveys.

Statistics and other internal studies

We are concerned with constantly improving the quality of the services we provide and monitoring the contractual relationship with the Company’s customers, therefore, based on our legitimate interest, we use the data we collect from customers or other data we generate from the data we receive for various statistics, analysis and internal studies in an anonymized format.

Direct marketing communications

We will process your personal data in order to inform you about our services, promotional offers and to subscribe to newsletters. As a general rule, personal data will only be processed for the purposes of direct marketing communications with your consent and by using the communication channels (e.g. email, telephone, postal address, etc.) to which you have agreed when giving your consent. In each marketing message we send you, we will offer you the opportunity to opt-out of the use of your email address (we will include an “Unsubscribe” option).

Automated decision making and automated profiling

Your personal data is subject to automated decision-making processes, including profiling. The purpose of this type of processing is to send you personalised messages based on the legitimate interest of the Company. The criteria and algorithms that the Company considers relevant may vary over time.

Recruitment activities

In order to be part of the team and to send your application for a position in the Company as soon as possible, you can use our section of the website dedicated to this purpose and available at the following link: .

Your data and documents will be used exclusively for the processing of your application, i.e. for the identification of a suitable position available within the Company. They are stored in our database, are protected against unauthorised access and are processed in accordance with the legislation in effect on the processing of personal data.


The Company uses the services of several contractual partners, both for the main services and for auxiliary services. Some of these partners have the status of authorised persons and are active in areas such as transport, marketing, information technology, market research, courier, legal services, consultancy, accounting services, etc. and may be provided with your personal data for use within the limits of their obligations to the Company. The personal data that we transmit to the persons entrusted by the Company are limited to the minimum personal data that are necessary for the provision of those services and we ask them not to use your personal data for any other purpose.

Your personal data may also be transmitted to third parties in the following situations:

  • Public authorities, auditing companies or institutions with competence to carry out inspections and controls on the Company’s activities and assets, which request the Company to provide information, by virtue of the latter’s legal obligations
  • To comply with a legal requirement or to protect the rights and assets of the Company or other entities or people, such as courts of law.

The persons and entities to whom we may share your personal data are the following:

  • For the purpose of providing transportation services, we may transmit your personal data to subcontractors / transportation service providers;
  • For website navigation and cookie usage purposes, we may transmit your personal data to analytics and search engine service providers for the purpose of providing maintenance services for our website;
  • For the purposes of running promotional campaigns, as well as analyzing the results of such campaigns, we may transmit your personal data to advertising and marketing agencies or digital media agencies or social media agencies;
  • For direct marketing communications, we may transmit your personal data to advertising and marketing agencies that carry out the communication on behalf of the Company;
  • For research, analysis, customer satisfaction measurement studies or to obtain feedback from our customers about our services, we may transmit your personal data to customer market research service providers.


The transfer of personal data abroad is made, as a general rule, when it is necessary for the execution of a contract concluded between the person concerned and the Company or for the execution of pre-contractual measures or when the transfer is necessary for the conclusion or execution of a contract concluded or to be concluded, in the interest of the person concerned, between the Company and a third party.


We will store your personal data for the period of time necessary to fulfill the processing purposes mentioned above, while complying with the legal requirements in effect.

If you are our customer, we will store your personal data, as a general rule, for the entire duration of your contractual relationship with the Company, plus an additional period of at least 2 (two) years.

If the Company determines that it has a legitimate interest or legal obligation to further process your personal data for other purposes, you will be informed accordingly. Once this period expires and the Company no longer has legal or legitimate grounds to process your personal data, the data will be deleted in accordance with its procedures, which may involve archiving, anonymisation or destruction of the data.


All personal data processing activities mentioned in this Policy relate exclusively to persons who are 16 years old or under. The use of the systems as well as the results of the processing is prohibited regarding to children under this age without the consent of their parents/legal representatives. If, despite our reasonable efforts to prevent it, such processing still takes place, we will stop it as soon as we notice that the persons concerned have not reached the age of 16.


The computer applications automatically back up the databases at certain intervals for possible data recovery in the event of loss, destruction or malfunction of the computer applications.

The company determines the time interval at which backups of personal databases and of the programs used for automated processing are to be made. The users who perform these backups are appointed by the Company, in a limited number.


In the context of the processing of your personal data, with the exception that the law specifies otherwise, you have the following rights:

  • The right to be informed – the right to be informed about the data and the characteristics of their processing in your relationship with the Company.
  • Right of access to data – the Company is obliged, upon request transmitted through any channel by the persons concerned (customers, employees, other individuals) to confirm to them what data it processes and under what conditions
  • The right to rectification of data – The Company is obliged to respect the rights of the persons concerned to obtain without delay the rectification of any inaccurate (erroneous or incomplete) data concerning them.
  • The right to erasure of data – The Company is obliged to erase personal data without delay when the persons concerned make a request to this effect. In addition, where the Company has made public the data whose erasure is requested and the person concerned requests including the erasure of such data from any recipient, the Company is obliged to ensure that recipients are informed of such request.
  • Right to restriction of data processing – The person concerned has the right to obtain from the Company the restriction of processing, i.e. the limitation of processing (except for the storage itself) to processing operations to which the person concerned consents and/or to processing operations which are necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of substantial public interest of the Union or a Member State.
  • The right to data portability – The company is obliged to ensure:
    • Transmitting data received from the person concerned in a format accessible at his/her request and
    • Transmission of data to other operators at the request of the person concerned, where the following cumulative conditions are met:
      • The processing is based on consent or is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the person concerned is a party or for taking steps at the request of the person concerned prior to entering into a contract, and
      • It is carried out by automated means (not in physical/paper form, but by any automated means)
  • Right to object to the processing of data – The persons concerned may object to the processing of their personal data at any time:
    • On grounds relating to their particular situation, to processing operations carried out on the basis of the necessity of the processing for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest vested in the Company; and/or to processing carried out on the basis of legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party of personal data, including profiling;
    • Without reasons and justification, in the case of data processing in direct marketing communications.
  • The right not to be subject to automated decisions, including profiling – The persons concerned have the right not to have their personal data processed in the context of automated decision-making.

If you consider that there is a problem with the way the Company processes your personal data, you have the right to complain to the National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data Processing (ANSPDCP).

Your rights regarding the processing of your personal data can be exercised at any time. To exercise these rights, we encourage you to send a request by mail to: Bulevardul I.C. Brătianu, nr.106, Constanta, Romania, Postal Code 900178  or by email to .

If you wish to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data for purposes related to direct marketing communications, you may at any time use the “Unsubscribe” option which is included in all direct marketing communications.


You may withdraw your consent at any time by writing to us at or by post: Bulevardul I.C. Brătianu, nr.106, Constanta, Romania, Postal Code 900178.


The Company will make all reasonable efforts to protect your personal data in our possession or under our control and takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk with varying degrees of probability and seriousness for the rights and freedoms of individuals.

A breach of personal data security means a breach of security that leads, accidentally or unlawfully to:

  • Destruction (refers to the situation where the data no longer exists or no longer exists in a form that makes it usable by the Company).
  • Loss (refers to the situation where data may exist but the Company has lost control of or access to the data)
  • Modification (where the data is corrupted or otherwise altered so that it is no longer complete)
  • Unauthorised disclosure of personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed (where data has been transmitted to or accessed by persons not authorised to receive or access personal data) or to
  • Unauthorised access to them.

If the existence of a security incident has been documented, the Company will analyze the risks that the incident poses to the rights and freedoms of the persons concerned.

If there is such an obvious risk, then the Company will notify the Supervisory Authority.

If the identified risk is high, then the Company shall also inform the person concerned of the security incident.


This Personal Data Processing Policy may undergo changes from time to time. In the event that the changes are significant, you will receive an information note on the implementation of these changes to the email address you have provided us.


Any questions you may have regarding this Personal Data Processing Policy can be sent to the email address or to the postal address: Bulevardul I.C. Brătianu, nr.106, Constanta, Romania, Postal Code 900178.

!!! Cookies policy !!!

You are free to make informed decisions for or against the use of cookies as they are not strictly necessary for the technical functioning of our website. Cookies are small text files in which personal data can be stored.
Our website’s data protection notice has been created to ensure that you are fully informed about the collection and processing of data even when our website uses cookies and that you can make informed decisions accordingly.
Thus, here we inform you about the purpose of using cookies on our web pages.
Browsing on is generally possible without the use of cookies, as they do not have a technical purpose. You can block cookies in the settings of the browser you are using or block the saving of third-party cookies.

We recommend regularly checking and deleting saved cookies if they are not particularly desired.
We use active cookies from the beginning of your visit to our website until the end of that session. They automatically become inaccessible and are deleted immediately after closing the browser. These cookies are also called “session cookies”. Session cookies are used as follows:

  1. The cookie recognises the user after login for the duration of the active session.
  2. The cookie ensures that once a language is selected, it is retained and applied during the active session and then offered to the user when changing pages.
  3. The cookie also aims at data protection and prevents both access, manipulation and transmission of data and content to other systems by third parties.